New & Improved Olay Total Effects Gentle Day Cream

Many readers and friends asking me what's my secret to my healthy and glowing skin (although my skin is not really that perfect), I admit this amazing product is a life-changing for me:

New and Improved Olay Total Effects 7in1 gentle day cream.
I received a LOT of compliment after using this (for about 5 months), I realize my skin improves a lot, it becomes healthier and glowing so I don't need too much coverage from foundation or other makeup.
It WORKS for me!
I love how it comes with hygienic pump bottle and of course, SPF 15.

Enough to say that I love Olay Total Effects day cream so much, never thought before that I'll be fit in Olay products because all I know the brand is for older woman but I'm totally wrong! Skin ageing is starts from 20 fyi.... So prevent from future ageing is really really important :)


  1. seneng bgt tiap kamu ngepost nez, wajib baca sama ditonton videonya ^^ thumbsup!

  2. i'm using it too! pertamanya pake yg normal tanpa SPF yg ukuran kecil (krn baru coba2), tapi skrg aku pake yg gentle SPF 15, sama kayak km juga. and it works on me too! love olay! gak akan berpaling ke day cream lain deh. jadi pengen nyoba night creamnya. :D

    1. Wow toast! Aku juga pake night cream yang total effects, so far so good sih :) day creamnya juara banget menurutku...

  3. but you do have that flawless skin agnes :)
    kamu juga perawatan ke klinik kecantikan nggak sih buat facial dll?
    apa treatment semacam itu perlu untuk perempuan usia 20an?

    1. Thank you! :)
      Aku facial manggil mbak langganan ke rumah, itupun jarang bisa sebulan atau 2 bulan sekali kalo aku ngerasa udh kusam banget dan pengin di massage wajahnya hehehe... Kalau ke klinik kecantikan utk facial sih hampir gak pernah, takut karena mamiku facial di n*****a mukanya malah jadi tipis dan sensitif :(

    2. hi Agnes! boleh tau nggak nama salon 'mbak' nya yang bisa dipanggil ke rumah? dulu pernah facial di N*****a juga soalnya, pengen beralih. Sekarang baru nyoba Olay Total Effects 7-IN-ONE Anti-ageing + Fairness Cream. ada yang mau share tentang produk terbaru ini nggak? *pemakai baru olay*


  4. u sure have healthy skin.
    Too bad my skin is oily snd acne prone and tis line of olay is too rich for me, but my mom really like it since she has dry skin

    1. My skin is combination too, makanya pilih total effects yg gentle :D Surprisingly ga bikin wajahku tambah berminyak ;)

  5. Hai agnes! mau nanya, kulit kamu kombinasi yang acne prone ngga? Aku mau coba pake olay ini but i have oily and acne prone skin, so i'm kindda afraid to try it. do you have any suggestions for me? :)

    1. Halo :) kulitku berminyak, tapi jerawatannya jarang sih biasanya kalo PMS aja. Kalau mau coba pilih yang gentle seperti yang aku pakai, lebih ringan dibanding yang normal day cream :)

    2. lebih ringannya gimana ka? tapi lebih ngefek yg normal atau yg gentle untuk ngecilin pori? kulitku berminyak sih hehe, soalnya setelah baca2 banyak yg review yg olay normal bagus untuk mengecilkan pori, benarkah?

  6. hi met kenal,aku mau tanya kalo ini di pake buat siang sama malam ya?Klo pagi apa pake moisturizer dl baru olay day cream apa gmn?mohon masukannya ya.trims

    1. Hi! Ini dipakenya pagi.... Olay Total Effects ini sama aja moisturizer, jadi habis cuci muka dan pakai toner langsung pakai ini :)


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